Nerve between superior pharyngeal constrictor and middle
Nerve between superior pharyngeal constrictor and middle

nerve between superior pharyngeal constrictor and middle

León X, Maranillo E, Mirapeix RM, Quer M, Sañudo JR (1997) Foramen thyroideum: a comparative study in embryos, fetuses, and adults. Lennquest S, Cahlin C, Smeds S (1987) The superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery. Kreyer R, Pomaroli A (2000) Anastomosis between the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve and the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Kochilas X, Bibas A, Xenellis J, Anagnostopoulous S (2008) Surgical anatomy of the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve and its clinical significance in head and neck surgery. Arc Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 128:296–303įurlan JC (2002) Sympathetic fibers origin of the superior laryngeal nerve and its branches: an anatomic study. J Anat 166:67–75įriedman M (2002) Superior laryngeal nerve identification and preservation in thyroidectomy. Laryngoscope 109:705–708īrownlow H, Whitmore I, Willan PLT (1989) A quantitative study of the histochemical and morphometric characteristics of the human cricopharyngeus muscle. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimoreīork HAJ, Copper MP, Stroeve RJ, de Ongerboer Visser BW, van Venker Haagen AJ, Schouwenburg PF (1999) Evidence for recurrent laryngeal nerve contribution in motor innervation of the human cricopharyngeal muscle. Head Neck 34:1240–1246īergman RA, Thompson SA, Afifi AK, Saadeh FA (1988) Compendium of human anatomic variation: text, atlas, and world literature. The innervations to the inferior constrictor from the laryngeal nerves and the pharyngeal plexus are classified into some types based on their branching patterns and anastomoses, suggesting that the dysfunctions of the laryngopharyngeal region vary according to the positional relationships between the affected part and the innervations types.Īsgharpour E, Maranillo E, Sañudo J, Pascual-Font A, Rodriguez-Niedenführ M, Valderrama FJ, Viejo F, Parkin IG, Vázquez T (2012) Recurrent laryngeal nerve landmarks revisited. The communicating branches between the laryngeal nerves and the pharyngeal plexus sometimes gave twigs to the constrictor from the dorsal surface. The internal laryngeal nerve sometimes and the main trunk of the superior laryngeal nerve rarely supplied the upper oblique fibers. The recurrent laryngeal nerve supplied the horizontal fibers from the ventral surface. The external laryngeal nerve gave twigs to the oblique fibers and the cricothyroid from the lateral surface. The oblique fibers were innervated by the pharyngeal plexus from the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The inferior constrictor consisted of the oblique fibers from the thyroid and cricoid cartilages and the horizontal ones from the cricoid. The inferior constrictor and the branches of the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves and the pharyngeal plexus were examined under a binocular microscope in 30 Japanese cadavers. This gross anatomical study re-examined the configuration of the inferior constrictor and investigated the variations of the anastomoses and the innervations of the constrictor to clarify their interrelationships. However, the relations of their anastomoses with the innervations have been unclear. The communication between these nerves may influence the innervations. The inferior constrictor is innervated by the pharyngeal plexus and the external and recurrent laryngeal nerves.

Nerve between superior pharyngeal constrictor and middle